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© Power V3
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The data that emerges from your study is concrete.
We will address one aspect of the analysis of the data in the document that is of concern to us...
Namely the delicate question of the Schumann resonance

The vibration of the earth (planet) and the Schumann resonance are two very different things and the cyclical increase in the Schuman frequency is quite natural
It is in fact the harmonics of the base frequency (resonance tone) that are cyclically amplified like any vibratory phenomenon in fact.

The "increase" of this frequency is therefore not a problem at all, it is simply a natural phenomenon linked in particular with the electrical activity of lightning, the rotation of the earth, etc.
Many myths circulate on the net on this subject.

Every lightning bolt that hits our planet, every storm, every change in temperature, humidity, lunar cycle, season, thoughts, emotions, etc. have an impact on the Beings living on this planet.

And the entry into the new "zone" of the galaxy (Aquarian Era) as well.

My comment will therefore be on this question of the so-called "increase" of the Schumann resonance

A short reminder of what the Schumann Resonance is

It is, as recalled above, an extremely low frequency of about 7.83 Hz (i.e. about 100,000 times lower than radio waves) which circulates between the Earth and its Ionosphere.

It is due to the electric discharges of lightning in the atmosphere, waves that resonate with the circumference of the Earth (which is precisely 40 075 km).

This frequency could only increase if the circumference of the Earth increased significantly!

This wave therefore remains stable and does not increase as it seems if we confuse the resonance with its higher harmonics, as well as with the ambient electromagnetic background noise which is strongly modulating.

As regards the readings taken by all the participants in this survey who worked on the Vibratory Level based on 1 bovis = 1 angstrom
(ALL the readings presented in the Syntheses are expressed in Kilo Bovis)

The problem of the readings in Geobiology is linked to the fact that the more precise the thought is, the more precise the reading is and therefore, on the contrary, if the "question" or the "Mental formulation of the question" is not precise, we do not know exactly "what" is being "questioned" and "what" is "answering".

Clarification: Except for the 1st synthesis, for each country the question was the same:
What was the vibratory Level of such Country on 21.06/2019...)
As for the "vibration" of the Earth (this wave of life mixing Telluric, Cosmic, and especially... Human Energies, because we are everywhere dominant) tends to fall strongly because of the anti-natural, ultra-technological and highly belligerent activity of our civilization!

But at the same time, the progressive entry of our solar system into the galactic zone that the ancients called the "Aquarian Era" is producing an increase in etheric and spiritual vibrations.

This is why Prana is changing in nature and becoming more and more dense and perceptible.

The galactic zone into which our solar system is entering is saturated with new energies, different from those we know.
It is obviously up to each of us to help this world to rise in vibration, by practising meditation, by limiting the use of technology, by walking barefoot in the forest, by chanting mantras, by eating better, and above all by changing our "way of thinking", in short... by vibrating higher, as the data published following your study clearly indicates.

The vibrations of FEAR alert the astral body which then disturbs the energy body and finally the physical body...