© Power V3
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Pass it on to everyone you know 




© Power V3
Royalty-free photos Pixabay

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Pass it on to everyone you know 


Detailed survey data: Geobiologists, Radiologists

The vast majority of the participants are Geobiologists who have participated in :
The Holistic Approach to Harmonisation in GEOBIOLOGY

A number of dowsers have joined us...

We have created an Excel file with 7 tabs identical to the one you will find in the summaries presented.

Each one applied the same written instructions and especially the same question.
(data explained in the 1st Presentation document)

Each time a participant sent us his or her records, each of the sections was filed in the Synthesis folder corresponding to the continent, in his or her department, in the box corresponding to his or her original personal reference.

This work of classification and verification required a lot of time...

The Synthesis by CONTINENT was drawn up from the sum of the syntheses of all the departments divided by the number of participants.

By the planned date of 15.10.2022, the 8 SYNTHESIS tables were ready...

All that remained was the creation and layout of the site: