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Pass it on to everyone you know 




© Power V3
Royalty-free photos Pixabay

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Pass it on to everyone you know 




Area: 10.18 million km² (2.5 million square miles)
Population: 746.4 million (2018)
Area: 10.18 million km² (2.5 million square miles)
Population: 746.4 million (2018)
Density: 73 inhabitants/km2

Vibrational levels in Europe since 2019 By comparing the curves of the Earth and Europe over the period 2019/2020/2021/2022, we see that our continent is not even at half the vibrational level of Our Earth GAIA! ! ! . .

Compared to the other continents we are last in the class. This shows that Europe as a whole
as a whole (41 countries) even in 2019 had a very important handicap with respect to the Earth, but approximately
identical to the other continents except Antarctica.
In Europe, the average vibrational rate recorded has been rising steadily since 2019. However, from 2020 onwards
a much more marked increase, coinciding with the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis. For example,
9 points of increase were measured between the summer solstice 2019 (37 K BOVIS), and the summer solstice 2020 (46 KBOVIS).
(46 KBOVIS). Then between 2020 and 2021, there is an 18-point increase. Finally, between 2021 and 2022,
it is a little less than double, with 33 points of increase. The solstice period 2020/2021 shows
a slight increase in the vibratory level that the experts clearly put forward in correlation with current events.

We extract from this list the 3 countries with the highest and lowest
the highest and lowest vibratory levels over the period:

From the end of 2021, at the winter solstice, there was a very, very, very significant increase in the vibratory level not only in Europe but also in the rest of the world.
vibratory level not only in Europe but on all the continents.
. :
The (+) NORWAY 77/198 ICELAND 75/189 FRANCE 74/194
The (-) ALBANIA 57/161 SERBIA 58/159 YUGOSLAVIA 61/159

Aurélie Aimé, journalist specialising in spirituality.

Analyses Synthesis